Engaging in a private Enneagram typing session with a certified professional offers nuanced analysis, delving into the intricacies of your personality for a more comprehensive understanding. This one-on-one approach ensures a depth of insight that surpasses self-assessment, uncovering subtle nuances and motivations that might be overlooked.

Professional Enneagram Typing

After discovering the Enneagram, the next step is finding your type.

That's where a private Enneagram typing session can really help. Maybe you’ve taken online tests and can’t seem to land securely in a type or maybe you see a bit of yourself in all the types. You might feel you have mistyped yourself and are seeking an outside perspective to help mirror you back to you. Unlike those notoriously inaccurate online tests that just scratch the surface of behavior, these interviews dig deep with dynamic conversations to uncover your core motivations, giving you a richer and more accurate insight.

Why learn your Enneagram type?

Discovering your Enneagram type is a transformative journey, fostering profound self-awareness and providing tools for personal growth. It enriches relationships, aids conflict resolution, and enhances communication by uncovering motivations, fears, and desires. The Enneagram acts as a guide for professional development, stress management, and leadership effectiveness, promoting mindfulness and unlocking your full potential. Engaging with the Enneagram not only deepens self-awareness but also nurtures compassion toward others.

How does an Enneagram Typing Session work?

All Enneagram Typing interview sessions are 75 minutes and are conducted by me, Lee. I’ve been trained through The Narrative Enneagram’s Teachers Program to offer a structured type discovery session. You do not have to prepare anything; just come as you are! I’ll lead you through the process as we talk about you and your core underlying motivations. Most people find the interviews thought-provoking, informative, and fun! And if you would like to gift an Enneagram Typing Session for someone else, please email me.

  • "I went into our typing interview torn between two types — Type Four and Type Nine. I left feeling securely landed in my core type and wing and it was so worth it! After reading through additional resources Lee so generously followed up with, I am also now assured of my instinctual stacking and tritype as well."

    – Maya S.

  • "Lee's insightful questioning and thoughtful guidance created a safe and welcoming space. I not only landed securely in my Enneagram type but also gained a deeper understanding of myself. Lee's expertise and compassionate approach made the entire process enlightening and invaluable. I highly recommend Lee!"

    — Michelle C.

  • "After I tested as three different types online, I almost walked away from the Enneagram altogether. I decided to get professionally typed by Lee. It was a great experience. I feel like Lee gave me my true introduction to the Enneagram and I will always treasure our season working together in coaching."

    — James H.

  • "For years, I mistyped until, suddenly, in a single afternoon, my life transformed. Overwhelmed and burnt out, I exclusively identified with the number I gravitated toward in stress. Lee's interview provided a safe and welcoming space, guiding me to recognize the type that truly resonated with my essence."

    — Valentina G.

Gift an Enneagram Typing Session —

Gift an Enneagram Typing Session —

Purchase gift cards for many of Lee's services, graciously giving the gift of self-discovery.